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Thursday, March 24, 2005

More Bad Publicity for Orlando

Well, Orlando is in the national news AGAIN! This time, it's the CBS evening news without (thank goodness!) Dan Rather. It's not enough that we have become daily fodder for cities large and small across this great country with our mayoral crisis. Now we have children in kidney failure because they visited a petting zoo. Two petting zoos, to be exact. One at the strawberry festival and one somewhere else. Calling all crisis management professionals: we have great weather almost year-round, no state income tax, and a veritable plethora of opportunities for those seeking public relations jobs.

As the story continues to unfold, my bet is we learn it's not exactly because they visited the zoos, but more likely what they did at the zoo when the chaperones weren't looking...you can figure it out, you don't need me to explain how children don't obsess like adults do about where their hands have been before putting their fingers in their mouths.

Oh, speaking of Orlando, there's an update on the mayoral crisis. Judge Bronson has dismissed Ken Mulvaney's civil lawsuit against Buddy Dyer (to have absentee ballots tossed out).


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