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Thursday, March 10, 2005

Public Relations Pro Takes Own Advice!

I set this blog up six months ago but I'm just now writing my first post. Why wait so long? Fear. Plain and Simple. Sure, I have dozens of explanations (and even more excuses) for waiting so long, but who cares?

The reality is that I was afraid to get started. I was afraid to pick a topic. What if noone is interested in my posts? I was afraid to hit the "publish" button. What if I post something and it has typos? I was afraid of the feedback. What if someone disagrees with me and replies with something negative? I was afraid of the commitment. What if people start reading my blog and I run out of things to post? This last one wins best self-limiting, fear-based thought here because, seriously, when has a public relations person EVER runs out of things to say?

What if, what if, what if! These two little words have profound consequences, limiting ourselves, our dreams, even our profit. I've spent most of my career in marketing and public relations so blogging should be something I embraced immediately. Instead, I spent six months playing the what if game.

So, this afternoon I decided to end the game. I reframed my self-talk. I thought about my blog and started asking myself very different questions: What IF I start my blog and someone likes what I say? What if someone finds humor in one of my rantings about typos in People magazine? What if I get really good feedback? What if I had started posting last fall when I actually set this blog up and now how hundreds of regular readers and lots of new friends and blogger buddies? The possibilities are endless.

So, my friends and fellow bloggers, it's official. I have felt the fear and done it anyway. I can now join the thousands who have gone before me and say "Yes, I blog. Do you?"


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